by Muybridge » Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:43 pm
Noble: "I dressed up as Batman, because Yan's got more of a crazy stare in his eyes so I thought he'd be a better Joker. It was a good laugh. It was like wearing a leotard. I don't dress up often but I do enjoy it when the opportunity arises. And I managed to get a free Batman costume out of it. Every year at my parents' house, my dad dresses up as Father Christmas, so I'm going to surprise him as Batman. Did it make me feel like a bad-ass costume vigilante? A little bit, maybe. It made me very aware of my testices. This New Year we're having a little party and we're actually playing the Batman theme, in the style of Link Wray's version. And then there's a mate of ours who's having his big toes chopped off, so he's going to put the Batman outfit on and do the theme hismself. I'm not sure why."
Yan: "I would have preferred to be The Riddler. Next time! Everyone wants to be The Joker nowadays, don't they? I didn't do much preparation - you just have to be a bit mental. You just have to stop hiding it. I'd like to think I've got that in me. I did like the new film, but Batman's voice did my head in - he was just permanently talking in that husky, monotone voice."
You say perhaps that this is romantic nonsense? That when we look at the natural world, even in the near-magic of autumn colour, our impressions can only be subjective? But you must become as a little child to enter this Kingdom.