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Many lives were lost & the records of a football team...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:55 am
by pomfob
On Canvey Island, 1953; the 60th is anniversary tonight.

And a more general overview of the Watersnoodramp;

Re: Many lives were lost & the records of a football team...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:57 am
by pomfob
Not that I'm obsessed by Canvey Island or anything...

I'm really not. But y'know, all power to the liberation movement and all that.

Re: Many lives were lost & the records of a football team...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:17 pm
by Blackout
I am, I don't mind admitting. I'm not a fan of the BSP song, and maybe part of that is because when I heard that they had written a song about Canvey and the floods I was hoping for considerably more interesting lyrics (as well as a less musically dull/ploddy track).

I suppose I bought into the whole Dr Feelgood mythology from quite a young age, if you were growing up in the 80s and discovering the then very recent (even if it didn't feel that way to a 12 year old in 1984) history of Punk, this great mythical band name kept coming up.

in 2009 I wrote this, as much about Canvey itself as the film it purports to review ... ?item=1808

And yes I was reading about the Orthodox Jewish thing the other day, fascinating. Been meaning to visit for as long as I can remember, and never got round to it, unless we count the BSP gig whereby I basically drove in / went to gig / drove out as it was a real short notice booking and difficult to get any time off.